isla canas mangroves kayak | vistacanas

take a drive in the country to playa punta mala

If you like long drives through the beautiful countryside, want to explore every nook and cranny of the Azuero Peninsula, or are crazy for Cara Caras and/or quaint bridges, you’ll definitely want to head out to Playa Punta Cana.

Not far from Pedasí is the tiny community of Limón. It’s here where you’ll turn off the main road and start the fairly long drive to Playa Punta Cana.

While the road is paved and driveable by any kind of car, shortly after you leave Limón the potholes kick in…some of them big enough to do some serious damage so keep your eyes on the road.

There are several spots along the way — such as the quaint metal bridge over the river — where you can pull over and explore, take photos, or watch for birds. (NOTE: I have nicknamed this bridge “Spider Bridge,” so if spiders freak you out, keep on driving!)

Don’t forget your camera! During the rainy season, the landscape glows green and the cows will pose for you. You’re almost guaranteed to see several Cara Caras, also called a carrion hawk.

Do check the tide before you go — you’ll get more out of Punta Mala if you go when it’s low. As you can see, on the day I was there, it was high (and hungry for flip flops). Just based on the name alone, we don’t recommend swimming at this beach. It pays to get educated on riptides if you plan on swimming anywhere on the Azuero Peninsula.

directions to punta mala:

It’s recommended you go during low tide, so check the tide before you go!

from pedasí:

Drive to El Limón (in the direction of Playa Venao), turn left at the grocery store and follow the road. When you come to the split, take the road on the left (the right goes to Destiladeros).

You’ll be on this road all the way to Punta Mala — enjoy the beautiful countryside! It’s paved, but packed with potholes, so take care. At the end of the road, you’ll be facing a large gate and the road down to the beach is just there on the left. Park on top and walk down.

from playa venao:

Drive to in the direction of Pedasí. Just before town, you’ll go through El Limón…turn right just after the grocery store and follow the road. When you come to the split, take the road on the left (the right goes to Destiladeros).

You’ll be on this road all the way to Punta Mala — enjoy the beautiful countryside! It’s paved, but packed with potholes, so take care. At the end of the road, you’ll be facing a large gate and the road down to the beach is just there on the left. Park on top and walk down.